Tuesday 10 February 2015

'Get Shoes & Go Back To Otuoke' – David-West tells Jonathan

Professor Tam David-West, ex-Minister of Petroleum, has called on President Goodluck Jonathan to start preparing his hand-over note because his days in office as president of Nigeria are numbered.

The reason, according to David-West, is because Jonathan’s party, the PDP will suffer a humiliating defeat in the hands of the fast moving train of the APC in the forthcoming general elections.
In the words of the Professor: “Jonathan should quickly look for shoes and go back to Otuoke. I have shoes in Ibadan and Abuja, I can give him some if he is in need of shoes. 
Everywhere you go, you see signs that the end of this government, led by Jonathan, is very near. Honestly, I do not have anything against him, but a party and a man that can better manage Nigeria has appeared on the scene, and we have no choice but to save our country from an impending doom.”

The elder statesman and Professor of Virology said Nigerians cannot continue to tolerate a government that is evidently confused and incapable of providing leadership. He warned that the drift in almost every sphere of our national life will continue if Jonathan is not shown the way out because, according to him, the president lacks the capacity to lead.

David-West also called on Jonathan to show Nigerians his doctoral thesis, and end the ragging controversy around his certificate. “I became a professor in 1974, so when I see a scholar I know. I have asked people to look for the PhD of Jonathan but I am yet to find it. I think he owes Nigerians an explanation because he is our president, Professor David-West said. 

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