Sunday, 8 September 2013

RELATIONSHIP: Signs He Is Not Going To Marry You


Every woman's dream is to one day walk down the aisle with the love of your life. But sometimes things just turn out different from the plan you've mapped out.
Here are some Signs to know he's not marrying you below:

You beg him
For a woman who has been doing some serious hinting about getting married, it can be hard to recognise that conversations about marriage have been replaced by begging and pleading.
Even smart, strong women, who are used to demanding rather than begging for what they want in all other aspects of life, somehow fall into a trap where they are begging a man to marry them.  Once you discover
that you have been reduced to begging, it is time to move on.

Waiting for the right time
It sounds so mature and responsible for your guy to say that he will ask you to marry him as soon as “the time is right,” but this is just another stalling tactic.

He suggests a ‘trial period’
Men who want to get married are men that propose.  They don’t try to find a way to delay things by recommending that you have a trial period of living together “just to make sure we are compatible.”

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